Nick Otero:
Today me and my group worked in a urban farm called Michigan Urban Farming Initiative. Me and a few others from our youth group helped dig up grass and dirt for them. After hard work for around 5-6 hours, we finally got to filling in the area we dug up with mulch. After a few wheelbarrow full of mulch, we finished around 3. While my half was digging up grass, the others were helping plant seeds. After all of us finished, we went to McDonalds to get some ice cream and drinks. We got back to the church around 4, and had to prepare for a basketball game. The game had the adults and staff play against the youth. Too no surprise the adults lost. We then had dinner, hit the showers and had the evening group meeting in the sanctuary . After the meeting we all did our own things then started to get ready for another hard day of work!Today I had two highlights. One was being able to help the MUFI, getting closer with my friends and the hard work. The second was playing the basketball game. It was a fun experience for everyone, got to meet some new people and a fun workout!
Today I think experienced God by helping the MUFI and getting closer with everyone. It was a different job but in the end it was going to help the community, and knowing that helped me experience him. Also I saw him through just having fun with the people I love.
I have done a little gardening before but nothing super big. That changed today. While it may not have been much gardening and more landscaping, it was something new. I think this could help all of us in the future if anyone ever needs help with something similar , and now we know what to do and what not to do.
Jess Engel:
As we began the back half of the week, we were all feeling the effects of the heat and humidity; we were all quite sleepy as we entered the breakfast room—knowing we were going to be outside farming and planting all day. At breakfast, another group shared a short devotional. They reviewed Jeremiah 29: 1-14, which we have been studying this week, and offered a message encouraging us to think about those in our lives who have planted seeds and built us up in each of our faith journeys—I will come back to this.Shortly thereafter, we departed for our worksite and the girls had a particularly fun car ride, courtesy of our DJ Noelle Pennison. Today we went back to the Metropolitan Urban Farming Initiative (MUFI), where we also worked for half of the day on Tuesday. This particular farm is quite large and they are a non-profit group, operating solely on grants and corporate donations. They offer all of their harvested crops for free to the community. They explained to us that Detroit is a food dessert, meaning that it is very difficult to find affordable produce in the city for its patrons.
It was the hottest day we have experienced on our trip so far and the humidity was high, given it rained all day yesterday. Despite how tired we were, we immediately began working. Our group split up into different projects. I worked on the planting project. Our group took hundreds (somewhere around 500) of collard green plants and transplanted them into plots of land allotted for them. This required us to dig spots for each plant, carefully remove each plant from the small seed planters, placing them in spots we dug, and then securing the plants in their new homes to grow. Considering the weather, we were conscious about taking breaks in the shade and staying hydrated; with that being said, everyone worked really hard and persevered to complete all of our tasks today. We were all very hot, sweaty, and dirty. When we finished our work we went to McDonalds and had an ice cream/cold treat before we went back to our host church—which is also quite hot. As was explained in a blog yesterday, another group gifted us some of the things they earned through fundraising project, including a basketball game against the staff. So, for a change, we did not shower as we arrived back to the church because we had to prepare for the basketball game. The TLUMC leaders joined the Motown staff and played a game against the youth (which made us even more hot, sweaty, dirty, and tired). The adults won…easily. Fun was had by all—- I think. The adults may be walking a little slower now….This led us to dinner and evening gathering. During evening gathering, we were able to spend time in the beautiful sanctuary of Metropolitan UMC and enjoy worship and prayer stations. As I have been composing this blog, I have had some lovely time getting know one of our youth girls even better and seeing more and more of her personality—-as well as enjoying our group closing time where we reflect upon our day and reconnect as a group.
I had a couple of highlights today—which also go along with where I saw God today. I really loved seeing our kids work together and work so hard, even though they were hot and tired. They were patient with one another and encouraging of one another and really have been throughout the trip. I see them trying to embody all of the things we hope for them—they are compassionate, kind, and have serving hearts. I think the work we have done so far this week has stretched each of them in different ways, and while it has sometimes been difficult, they have responded with grace and largely with open hearts and minds.
As I reflected on the people in my life who have planted seeds in me and built me up, I can’t help but think of who those people are for the youth and also about what experiences build them up. I pray that each of them have many people in their lives who build them up and love them unconditionally, as Jesus does. I hope these experiences and the peers and adults serving with them are some of many who plant seeds in them that strengthen their faith. For those who are reading this, who were those people for you? What were the experiences in your life that built up your faith?