Monday, July 2, 2018

Day 8: Save The Best For Last

 Brian Nelson: 

The work site for Friday was the North End Block Club, our expectation was for painting whole houses, building decks, major power tool application, and beautifying Detroit’s North end. The actuality was to finished clearing an alley way of brush and debris. This was no small task (see pictures for a visual) and this was not a non-important task as we found out by our host couple. We learned that the alley ways that were more jungle-like than for auto use were used for drug deals, drug use, and other illegal activities. A cleared alley can be used for walking, parking, driving, and most importantly, the illegal activities move to a different location. By the time we left, we could see from one end of the alley to the other, this was a very satisfying sight. Our host couple were very pleased with our work, we also received thanks from a couple of neighbors.

What else did we do today? Our EG (Evening Gathering) included more great songs, a Baptism, Communion, and afterword, cake (of course, we had a Baptism). After cake was Pie, as in Pie in the face for charity. Our own Levi squared off against Camp Counselor Austin and the result was a pie tie but the real winner was the Foundary Charity (the house where the Counselors are staying for the summer).

This was a great week of work/play but the best part of our time here was learning what Detroiters really want. They want us to work with them in their communities, to learn about their plight, and to help them with very particular tasks (cat houses, planting collard greens, and clearing alley ways).

Aimee Bray:

Friday: everybody’s favorite day of the week. We look forward to it every Monday. Friday, June 29, 2018, was no exception. Everyday throughout this week flew by, and we all were both excited to see what the next day held, but sad that our trip was coming to end.

For me, the phrase “save the best for last” was applicable to Friday. We all worked to clear out an alleyway behind people’s homes. It was crazy to think that under all of the dirt, vegetation, trash, and logs, that a street was there. I worked with the boys in a part of the alley that had not been cleared at all. I took the weed-whacker and used that for a while, until we came to a roadblock. What we actually thought was a dead end, was a pile of dead trees, huge logs and sticks, and random trash. There was an air conditioner, a TV, and some other very questionable items. I would grab the trees and sticks and hand a pile to each guy. I definitely bonded with all of them on Friday.

NickO and Levi especially grew as an important parts of my life on Friday. Tucker and I had been close friends for over a year, I have known Jed for ages, and I had bonded quite a bit with Patrick earlier in the week. I found a humor in NickO that cracked me up, and I love calling that guy NickO. Levi also made me see a new side of himself, and I loved it. Not only did I love Friday because it was my favorite physical work of the week, but I loved getting to know my friends better :)

My favorite part of the whole day was feeling that we were truly making a huge difference. We made a lot of progress that was tangible and visible, unlike anything we did the rest of the week. For me, I could feel that we were helping people, which I loved.

This week, I met a friend named Dalton. His pastor and I would talk when we’d see each other, and I wanted to have a conversation with him. I asked him questions about finding a faith, how to deal with loss, and fundamental questions about faith that I struggle with. He gave me answers that I had never been given. It was interesting to get and look at a whole new perspective. It gave me peace with where I am in life, which I really haven’t had in years.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Day 7: Having Fun With The People I Love

 Nick Otero:

Today me and my group worked in a urban farm called Michigan Urban Farming Initiative. Me and a few others from our youth group helped dig up grass and dirt for them. After hard work for around 5-6 hours, we finally got to filling in the area we dug up with mulch. After a few wheelbarrow full of mulch, we finished around 3. While my half was digging up grass, the others were helping plant seeds. After all of us finished, we went to McDonalds to get some ice cream and drinks. We got back to the church around 4, and had to prepare for a basketball game. The game had the adults and staff play against the youth. Too no surprise the adults lost. We then had dinner, hit the showers and had the evening group meeting in the sanctuary . After the meeting we all did our own things then started to get ready for another hard day of work!

Today I had two highlights. One was being able to help the MUFI, getting closer with my friends and the hard work. The second was playing the basketball game. It was a fun experience for everyone, got to meet some new people and a fun workout!

Today I think experienced God by helping the MUFI and getting closer with everyone. It was a different job but in the end it was going to help the community, and knowing that helped me experience him. Also I saw him through just having fun with the people I love.

I have done a little gardening before but nothing super big. That changed today. While it may not have been much gardening and more landscaping, it was something new. I think this could help all of us in the future if anyone ever needs help with something similar , and now we know what to do and what not to do.

Jess Engel:

As we began the back half of the week, we were all feeling the effects of the heat and humidity; we were all quite sleepy as we entered the breakfast room—knowing we were going to be outside farming and planting all day. At breakfast, another group shared a short devotional. They reviewed Jeremiah 29: 1-14, which we have been studying this week, and offered a message encouraging us to think about those in our lives who have planted seeds and built us up in each of our faith journeys—I will come back to this.

Shortly thereafter, we departed for our worksite and the girls had a particularly fun car ride, courtesy of our DJ Noelle Pennison. Today we went back to the Metropolitan Urban Farming Initiative (MUFI), where we also worked for half of the day on Tuesday. This particular farm is quite large and they are a non-profit group, operating solely on grants and corporate donations. They offer all of their harvested crops for free to the community. They explained to us that Detroit is a food dessert, meaning that it is very difficult to find affordable produce in the city for its patrons.

It was the hottest day we have experienced on our trip so far and the humidity was high, given it rained all day yesterday. Despite how tired we were, we immediately began working. Our group split up into different projects. I worked on the planting project. Our group took hundreds (somewhere around 500) of collard green plants and transplanted them into plots of land allotted for them. This required us to dig spots for each plant, carefully remove each plant from the small seed planters, placing them in spots we dug, and then securing the plants in their new homes to grow. Considering the weather, we were conscious about taking breaks in the shade and staying hydrated; with that being said, everyone worked really hard and persevered to complete all of our tasks today. We were all very hot, sweaty, and dirty. When we finished our work we went to McDonalds and had an ice cream/cold treat before we went back to our host church—which is also quite hot. As was explained in a blog yesterday, another group gifted us some of the things they earned through fundraising project, including a basketball game against the staff. So, for a change, we did not shower as we arrived back to the church because we had to prepare for the basketball game. The TLUMC leaders joined the Motown staff and played a game against the youth (which made us even more hot, sweaty, dirty, and tired). The adults won…easily. Fun was had by all—- I think. The adults may be walking a little slower now….This led us to dinner and evening gathering. During evening gathering, we were able to spend time in the beautiful sanctuary of Metropolitan UMC and enjoy worship and prayer stations. As I have been composing this blog, I have had some lovely time getting know one of our youth girls even better and seeing more and more of her personality—-as well as enjoying our group closing time where we reflect upon our day and reconnect as a group.

I had a couple of highlights today—which also go along with where I saw God today. I really loved seeing our kids work together and work so hard, even though they were hot and tired. They were patient with one another and encouraging of one another and really have been throughout the trip. I see them trying to embody all of the things we hope for them—they are compassionate, kind, and have serving hearts. I think the work we have done so far this week has stretched each of them in different ways, and while it has sometimes been difficult, they have responded with grace and largely with open hearts and minds.

As I reflected on the people in my life who have planted seeds in me and built me up, I can’t help but think of who those people are for the youth and also about what experiences build them up. I pray that each of them have many people in their lives who build them up and love them unconditionally, as Jesus does. I hope these experiences and the peers and adults serving with them are some of many who plant seeds in them that strengthen their faith. For those who are reading this, who were those people for you? What were the experiences in your life that built up your faith?

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Day 6: When Plans Change

Jed Monforton:

Today we were originally going to work at 2 different urban farms, but it was raining and kind of miserable out, so we did something else. We went to a place called Rippling Hope, and they normally do house renovations and things like that. Other groups were already assigned the house renovation and painting projects, so we built houses for cats. That sounds strange, but there are tons of ferrel cats around Detroit, and Rippling Hope also makes shelters and collects food for them. People who request a cat house are required to trap the cats to have them spayed or neutered to help reduce the population. We basically had the whole work day to build a cat house. We got into teams and built shelters. My groups shelter turned out very good. The rest of the day we just hung around the church we are staying at. In the evening, we played games and had a water fight with another youth group, Northville.

I had several highlights to my day: Finishing the cat shelter, playing a game called nine square, and the water fight. Screwing the last board for our cat house felt great, and it looked great. Nine square was good, and the water fight was a blast.

It was hard to say I saw or experienced God. It is cool to see direct affects, like at the homeless help place, but cat shelters aren’t really the same. I guess I saw God just through having fun with friends.

Building a cat shelter was something I had never done before. it was fun, and maybe it will directly affect some cats, who knows. But that was a new thing that I hadn’t done before.

Kelly Sigfrids:

When you think of serving, sometimes you might think it may be either things you know how to do or are comfortable doing or sometimes it might be new things you have no idea about. Each person comes to serve with different skillsets which brighten the world by all of our different gifts. 

We might even take our experiences and our judgements to try and decide what we think people need. But we really need to set aside our ideas of what we think people need and bring what we have to serve the "needs of the community" even if it is needs we may not understand. We know in many cities a well-known need is to feed people, sometimes known as the hungry or the homeless. And sometimes the need is rebuilding their homes. But today, we learned that in the rebuilding of Detroit, that some of the current needs are feeding the cats and the kittens that are feral in the community as well as providing them a warm and safe shelter. Who knew that was a need...surely not me! And there is a waiting list for book barns or neighborhood library boxes in communities that are working to grow reading. I love books, so to me that was a really cool need that I wanted to get on board with filling! It is just as valuable of a need if you think about how reading is part of strengthening education in these communities...they want books to read and a place locally and nearby to get them. I think every block in America could use some kitten homes and neighborhood library exchange boxes. This is a great way to rebuild one block at a time!

I walk away with the excitement and goal of collecting books for this community to send back to them here in Detroit to fill their book boxes that are made and placed in these communities. You too can be a part of rebuilding neighborhoods in Detroit one book at a time. If you are interested in contributing, drop them off to Sam and we will make sure they make it back to Detroit.

"Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them....cats included!"
Matthew 6:26, Paraphrased

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me..even if it's making cat shelters and book boxes!" 
(Matthew 25:40, 45, Paraphrased)

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Day 5: Farming, Burgers, and Baseball

Michigan Urban Farming Initiative: 

Abby Nelson:

Today we went to an urban farm to pick weeds, re-seed crops and harvest produce. We got to work with a crew from another mission group around the city and also a leader from MM (Motown Mission), Austin, worked with us. We got to pull weeds and spread new dirt on the gardens. Today was our half day, so after work we went back to the church and changed and went out. We rode the Q-line streetcar downtown and walked around, went to Detroit Water Ice (2 days in a row) and walked to Hart Plaza. Canada closer than yesterday as well. Who knew it was so close!?! We ate dinner at Shake Shack and the got to enjoy a Tigers game until it started raining. The highlight of my day was both gardening and the baseball game. Today, I saw God working through a Q-line worker. When we were riding home at 10:00 PM, he was telling jokes and told us to have a great night when we got off. Today I learned that apparently there are farms in the city!! Who knew?!?! I also learned that Detroit is a beautiful city and I loved walking around and seeing Canada.

Tucker Carpenter:

Today our youth group went to an urban farm to pull weeds, put down new dirt and plant new seeds. After we farmed we went to Water Ice and then to Shake Shake and got burgers. We also went to the riverwalk and saw Canada; and me and the other guys took photos for our albums for our made-up band, Patrick and the Traffic Accidents. Also throughout the day the youth group sang the VBS song My Lighthouse.The highlight of my day was the Tigers game. I experienced God today because on the Q-line streetcar that we took someone was trying to put there bike on a rack and was having some problems and multiple people just went over to help. After they finally put the bike on the rack everyone clapped and made jokes and it just showed me that no matter where you are there are people willing to help out and make your day. I learned today that being in hard situations like the situation Detroit is in brings people together and people don’t let it ruin their lives.

TLUMC Youth on the Q-Line Streetcar

Tigers Baseball Game

Monday, June 25, 2018

Day 4: Sandwiches & Stories - Learning to Listen

TLUMC Youth @ Central UMC - Detroit, MI 

Katelyn Filla:

Today we went to help make lunches for the NOAH Project, which is an organization that helps take care of the homeless. We made 300+ ham & cheese and pb & j sandwiches as well as little bagged up snacks. We then handed them out to the homeless as well as refilled their drinks and sorted donations. I personally really enjoyed being a part of this experience. I loved preparing the food as well as handing it out. I saw God in the people I was helping out. Some of their faces lit up after receiving their sandwiches and snacks. While refilling peoples drinks I enjoyed hearing some of the stories they had to tell. Today I learned that everyone is fighting their own individual war we can’t see. I saw that quote on a poster at the church where NOAH is held. I also learned that everyone has a different story to tell and if you are willing to sit and listen to that story you can learn a lot about that person. I can’t wait to start day 2 of Motown Mission!

Patrick Kenny:

Today was our first full day of doing mission work with Motown Mission. We went to a church and worked with an organization called NOAH to help provide and serve food to the homeless and to help NOAH prepare for other events and services that NOAH will preform in the future. We made peanut butter and jelly as well as ham and cheese sandwiches and other goodies for the homeless such as snack crackers and coffee and other beverages. I really enjoyed meeting new people and learning their backstories and how they came to be. I also thought it was cool how humble a lot of people were when receiving their sandwiches and their snacks and how although they were homeless they were humble and realized that other people were homeless and needed food as well. Later on we drove down to the border of the United States and Canada and were able to see Canada. I am excited to meet and help out new people as the week progresses.

TLUMC Youth @ Detroit Riverwalk

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Days 1 - 3: We Made It!

2018 HS Mission Team

Noelle Pennison - Days 1, 2, and 3

 Hi, this is Noelle. Right now I’m in my room in Detroit writing this. It’s pretty cool and the trip here was really awesome. On the first day we drove through Nebraska.

It was kind of like Kansas but more green and beautiful. Very long though but I didn’t mind. It had a lot of nice hills and houses that reminded me of something like the 1800s during the civil war. Then we got to Iowa which was very similar but had trees and some swampy looking rivers that were really big. I was sitting in a van with my brother Levi and Nick. It was really calm and quiet and they slept most of the ride. But we got to talk a lot and joke about stuff. We stayed in this really nice church where there was a multitude of flowers and trees. I had never traveled to either Nebraska or Iowa so it was breathtaking to see how even such a small thing like a flower could be so uniquely beautiful and different from Colorado. When we went to sleep it did take me till one to do so but it was nice to hear the sound of crickets outside.

The next morning Sam decided that we would split the vans into boys and girls so I went into the girls van. Most of them were tired so Aimee put on her music and they fell asleep while I took pictures and drew mythical creatures. Once they woke up we just talked and sang along with some of the music(personally I would choose Dubstep and Soundtrack music over Beyonce and Taylor Swift any day but a girl just has to roll with it).I introduced them to a game/app called heads up and it was kind of like charades except you could use words.

Once we got to the church in Indiana we set up our sleeping stuff and got to go to the beach of Lake Michigan. It was really cool cause I got to swim there and the waves were just straight up epic. Me and Levi got to bury nick in the sand as well and watch him burst out XD.

Afterwards when we headed back to the church Aimee said that she met a cute employee at the Wendy’s we we went to prior to the beach. She decided to call and the conversation was something along the lines of this,

Wendy’s Worker: Hello

Aimee: Hi. I was wondering if Sage is there.

WW: Ok. May I ask who this is?

Aimee: This is Aimee. I came in earlier today.

WW: Ok.

(goes and gives phone to Sage)

Sage: Hello?

Aimee: Hi this is Aimee. The girl who said you would trust with your hat.

Sage: Ok.

Aimee: I just wanted to tell you that I think your pretty cute.

Sage: Thanks.


Aimee: Do you have a last name?

Sage: Yeah it’s Store.

Aimee: Ok. How do you spell that?

Sage: S-t-o-r-e.

Aimee: Oh, like the store!

Sage: Yeah.

Aimee: Ok thanks. Bye.

Sage: Bye.

Afterwards Aimee began to look for the charming Wendy’s worker Sage Store on social media. I do not know if she was successful in doing so but I wish the best of luck to her. That night we went out to dinner, said prayers, sang, did rose, bud, and thorn, then went to sleep.

The journey to Detroit was not very long and we made very few stops, but once I got there I had never seen a more beautiful church in my whole life than the one we are currently staying at. I hope that as I work here I grow closer to God and am able to reach out to many people and use some of my skills to help my youth group and those here who need help.

Many Blessings,
Noelle :)

Levi Pennison - Day 3

Today we woke up around 8:00 which allowed us to get plenty of rest for the drive ahead. Despite this we slept most of the drive anyways probably making up for years of lost sleep. 

Breakfast at Micky Dees and then we hit the road for about 3 hours. After a long drive we arrived at a Panera bread in Ann Arbor Where Sam met up with an old friend. 

Then more road for about 1 hour. After the relatively shorter drive we had finally arrived in Detroit where we unpacked settled down and relaxed, preparing ourselves for the day tomorrow

 Tour of Metropolitan UMC - Detroit, MI

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


We leave for Detroit in a few days! Woohoo!

A few final things:
  • Attached is the schedule. Mission work and travel is unpredictable. Please understand that as close are we try to stay to the schedule, some things will be fluid. 
  • There is an additional release form required by Motown Mission. It is attached for anyone who has not already completed it.
Packing List:
Attached is the packing list from Motown Mission. Here are some additional items everyone should bring:

·      DEODORANT, toothpaste, toothbrush,
·      Shirts (4-5 YGA* shirts)
·      Underwear & Socks (for EACH day)
·      PJs (YGA)
·      Insect repellant
·      Snacks to share on the road (HOMEMADE SNACKS ENCOURAGED)
·      Medicines: antibiotics, vitamins, aspirin, allergy tabs, etc. (NOTE: All medications must be bagged separately and accompanied by a parent signed note detailing dosage, frequency, etc.)
·      Flashlight/headlamp
·      Shorts
·      Hat/ bandana and sunglasses for outside working
·      Phone charger (don’t forget it!)
·      Spending money (Recommend at least $40 for any shopping/souvenirs)


A quick reminder that there is a tools section on the packing list. Both are attached to this email. Do not pack your tools in your bag. We will load them separately! You can bring them in an orange Home Depot bucket. Please label all tools so you know which ones are yours. 
Here are a few dates/times to have on your radar as you prepare for the trip:
  • June 20th - Final Schedule and Statements Emailed Out (By 5:00 PM)
  • June 21st - Final Payments/Forms Due
  • June 21st - Load Vans @ TLUMC (5:00 - 6:00 PM)
  • June 22nd - Final loading, prayer, and departure (5:30-6:00 AM)
Thursday, June 21st - Load Vans @ TLUMC, 5:00 – 6:00 PM. 

Please bring luggage, tools, and sleeping bags to the TLUMC Parking Lot. A separate small bag or backpack should be packed with items necessary for our overnights on Friday and Saturday and anything you'd like with you for the car ride. You may bring your small overnight bag on Saturday. If there is a conflict, or you would like to bring your bag earlier, please contact Sam to make other arrangements. 

Friday, June 22nd – Meet @ TLUMC, 5:30 AM 
Final loading, prayer, and departure by 6:00 AM. Looking forward to it all!

Day 8: Save The Best For Last

 Brian Nelson:  The work site for Friday was the North End Block Club, our expectation was for painting whole houses, building decks, ma...